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Issuing a postage stamp, commemorating Algeria’s hosting of the 7th summit of Gas Exporting Countries Forum

On February 29th, 2024, Mr. Karim Bibi Triki, Minister of Post and Telecommunications, accompanied by Mr. Mohamed Arkab, Minister of Energy and Mines, and Mr. Mohamed Hamel, Secretary-General of Gas Exporting Countries Forum, oversaw the ceremony of issuing a postage stamp on Algeria’s hosting of the seventh summit of Gas Exporting Countries Forum during the period from February 29th to March 2nd, 2024.

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) is an intergovernmental organization bringing together the main gas exporting countries in the world, in a bid to support their sovereign rights on their natural gas resources and to foster cooperation and dialogue in the issues related to gas.

The GECF includes (12) member countries and (7) observer countries from four continents, representing 69% of the world gas reserves, 39% of the marketed production and 40% of the world gas exports.

The 12 member countries are: Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

The seven observer countries are: Angola, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mozambique and Peru.

This Summit’s organization in Algiers reflects the important role Algeria plays within this forum and on the global energy scene, in a conjuncture marked by the crucial importance of gas in the energy security.

The postage stamp model dedicated to this event has been designed by the use of the letter (ج) referring to “Algeria” in Arabic under the form of number “7” (referring to the Summit’s edition) with the national colors, as well as a gas flame , which are surrounded by the Forum’s logo. The whole enhanced by the fabulous Algerian ZELIDJ and the image of Chahid monument, symbole de bienvenue en Algérie, pays organisateur de cette manifestation, symbol of welcome in Algeria, country organizing this event.