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Postal Activities

The establishment, operation and provision of postal services and services are subject, as the case may be, to the regimes of exclusivity, authorization or simple declaration.

  • Activities subject to the Exclusivity regime

Are granted under the regime of exclusivity, the establishment, operation and provision of letter post services and services not exceeding a weight of 50 grams, as well as postage stamps and all other postage marks, postal orders and postal check service. Activities falling under the exclusivity regime are conceded to “Algérie Poste”.

  • Activities subject to the Authorization regime

 The collection, routing and distribution of documents and postal packages by express from or to abroad falls under the authorization regime.

The authorization is issued to any natural or legal person wishing to establish, operate and/or provide postal services covered by the authorization regime in accordance with the regulations in force as well as the conditions set by the Regulatory Authority (ARPCE), in compliance with the principles of objectivity, transparency and non-discrimination.

  • Activities subject to the simple declaration regime 

The establishment, operation and/or provision of postal services and services for the processing of domestic express mail fall under the simple declaration regime, within the weight limits provided for by the regulations, i.e. a weight greater than 50 grams.

Indeed, any natural or legal person wishing to operate a service falling under the simple declaration regime is required to file,  at the level of the Regulatory Authority, a declaration of intention to commercially operate this service and undertakes to respect operating conditions set by the Regulatory Authority.