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Has as main missions to:

  • Establish and draw up the policy and strategy for developing postal and postal financial services;
  • Define the government’s universal service and public postal service policy;
  • Fix the general pricing policy as regards postal services;
  • Set up standards, conditions and technical specifications to apply to postal activities and postal financial services;
  • Foster the use of the ICTs in postal activities and postal financial services;
  • Suggest postage rates for all services coming under the postal exclusivity and universal service regime;
  • Ensure the continuity and sustainability of the postal network, infrastructure and services;
  • Establish postal savings strategy;
  • Draw up the performance deal between the State and public operator “Algerie Poste”;
  • Suggest the legal framework ruling postal activities and postal financial services;
  • Define the policy for securing the postal network, infrastructure and services;
  • Establish study programs to foster postal and postal financial services;
  • Set the conditions and specifications for issuing postage stamps;
  • Establish and preserve the national philatelic heritage;
  • Be involved in organizing and defending the Algerian stance at international meetings and conferences in terms of postal activities and postal financial services;
  • Make sure postal operators carry out the conventions, regulations and arrangements of the Universal Postal Union, restricted unions and regional postal organizations which Algeria joined.

The aforementioned General Directorate comprises two directions:


Is in charge of :

  • Planning the progress, development, modernization and security of the postal network and services;
  • Suggesting the elements for drawing up the government’s policy about the universal postal service;
  • Defining the general conditions for operation of postal activities ;
  • Fixing the content, quality and costs of the universal postal service performances;
  • Establishing the specifications for the constraints of the public service and the universal postal service;
  • Setting the conditions for exclusivity regime’s operation;
  • Fostering the ICTs use in postal activities;
  • Drawing up the plans for major risks prevention likely to affect postal networks and infrastructures;
  • Defining the projects coming under the postal emergency plan;
  • Seeing to the implementation and respect of obligations related to the provision of the universal postal service;
  • Establishing the regulatory framework connected to postal stamps issue and any such post mark;
  • Drawing up the annual program for stamp issue;
  • Organizing the composition and preservation of national philately and postal heritage.

Is responsible for:

  • Suggesting the elements for drawing up the policy and strategy of development and modernization of the postal financial services;
  • Defining the standards, conditions and technical specifications applicable to the postal financial services;
  • Striving for involving the population within the postal financial services;
  • Supervising the service quality improvement of postal financial service provision;
  • Setting the evolution framework for the postal financial services toward banking services;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the actions of fight against money laundering and terrorist financing;
  • Defining the participation framework of postal bank and saving in the national socio-economic development;
  • Suggesting any measure likely to improve the governance of financial and postal saving services;
  • Setting the study programs relating to postal financial services development;
  • Including the technology watch framework within postal activities;
  • Setting up statistics and documentary base for postal activities;
  • Embarking on studies to fosterthe ICTs use in postal financial services.

Has as mission to:

  • Suggest the elements for drawing up the national policies and strategies for developing the ICTs;
  • Define the principles and policy for management of radio frequencies spectrum jointly with the involved sectors;
  • Suggest the legal framework applicable to the ICTs jointly with the involved sectors;
  • Suggest the incentives for enhancing national industry of telecommunications and technologies equipment with high integration rate;
  • Suggest the elements of the strategy and policy for securing the sector’s telecoms infrastructures;
  • Suggest the elements and contributions to be involved within the study programs linked to the ICTs development;
  • Contribute to set the elements of the policy related to opening parts of the ICTs market;
  • Identify and suggest sharing and rationalization projects of resources and telecoms infrastructures;
  • Suggest the sector policy’s elements in terms of the universal service of electronic communications and ensure the ubiquitous access for all;
  • Issue authorizations of telecom sensitive equipment pursuant to the regulation in force;
  • Ensure the access to a sufficient and secured international broadband providing high-speed and very high-speed access to the internet;
  • See to the smooth network operation of marine mobile services and satellite maritime mobile services ;
  • Define the standards and technical specifications applicable to the infrastructures and equipment used in the ICTs;
  • Ensure the respect of sustainability, continuity and safety conditions of ICT networks and the required conditions in terms of national defense and public safety;
  • Partake in establishing and defending Algeria’s position in international organizations as regards the ICTs.

This Directorate includes two directions:


Has as main mission to:

  • Contribute in establishing the national strategy in the ICTs field and monitor its implementation;
  • Participate in establishing measures to promote and encourage investment in the ICT infrastructure;
  • Enhance, encourage and support the development of telecoms infrastructures, and propose measures for their development;
  • Identify and suggest projects for sharing and rationalizing telecoms resources and infrastructures;
  • Draw up conditions for establishing and/or operating electronic communications networks and provision of electronic communications services;
  • Suggest ICT infrastructure standards and ensure their application;
  • Draw up sectorial policy on universal electronic communications service;
  • Propose actions to develop universal electronic communications service.

has as main mission to:

  • Monitor the procedures for approval of the national frequency plan and its implementation;
  • Suggest radio frequency policy and regulations;
  • Participate in coordinating activities to ensure optimum use of frequency bands;
  • Monitor the handling of requests related to authorizations for sensitive telecommunications equipment, pursuant to the regulations in force.
  • Follow up the handling of requests for reforming telecoms sensitive equipment;
  • Participate in and monitor study commissions’ and working groups’ works nationally, regionally and internationally in radiocommunication field.

Has as main mission to:

  • Suggest, jointly with the shareholders, the elements of the national policy and strategy to build the information society and to ensure their implementation;
  • Establish a policy for securing the sector’s information systems jointly with stakeholders and watch its implementation;
  • Suggest, jointly with the shareholders, the development strategy elements for electronic certification;
  • Define and carry out the policy for enhancing the widespread use of ICTs;
  • Partake in drafting national policies and strategies as regards digital development and transition;
  • Suggest the legal framework for the information society, jointly with stakeholders, particularly in terms of the Internet and electronic certification;
  • Share in drafting legal framework for digital development, cyber-security, cyber-crime and fundamental rights and freedoms in cyberspace;
  • Suggest an annual action plan for projects aimed for fostering the ICTs use and development;
  • Ensure the development and interoperability of the sector’s information systems;
  • Keep a strategic watch on the information society’s developments;
  • Make sure that projects are in line with the sector’s strategic goals;
  • Participate in determining the needs and developing programs for ICT incubation;
  • Establish partnerships in terms of building the information society;
  • Share in developing and defending the Algerian position at international meetings and conferences as regards the information society

This General Directorate is made up of two directions:


Has as main mission to:

  • Suggest and coordinate the development actions of the information society;
  • Define, jointly with the shareholders, the policies of management and granting of domain names and IP addresses;
  • Define, jointly with the shareholders, the policy of granting objects identifiers (OID;
  • Draft the legal framework elements related to the information society identification;
  • Define the standards and technical specifications applicable to the information society;
  • Set up the follow-up mechanisms for the information society’s progress;
  • Share in defining the mechanisms for intellectual property’s protection as regards software and online content;
  • Enhance training in the ICTs use;
  • Participate in defining and implementing the mechanisms enabling to develop online content in line with the country’s needs;
  • Suggest internet governance mechanisms;
  • Share in defining the actions linked to setting up an e-government;
  • Share in drafting the national strategy and policy as regards the setting up, development and enhance of innovation hubs in the ICT’s field;

See to the optimum use of resources allocated to projects concerning the ICTs use and development appropriation and their compliance with the sector’s major goals.


Has as main mission to:

  • Develop, jointly with the shareholders, the elements of the policy to secure   sector’s information systems, ;
  • Participate in defining the prevention and protection strategy against the ICT-related risks;
  • Suggest elements of the legal framework about the electronic certification;
  • Share in establishing trust environment in the ICTs use;
  • Supervise, jointly with stakeholders,the setting up of IT incidents (CRT/CSIRT) monitoring, alert and response teams in the sector,;
  • Work on modernizing, digitizing and preserving the ministry’s archives as well as on applying the pertaining laws and regulations;
  • Suggest an  action plan of development of the ministry’s information systems, and ensure its implementation;
  • Setup an electronic management system for the ministry’s documents.

Has as main mission to:

  • Set up database of statistics relating to the sector;
  • Follow up and analyze the progress of statistic data and the sector’s indicators;
  • Suggest  measures  for increasing the ICTs’ participation in the national economy jointly with the involved sectors;
  • Suggest measures to foster the emergence of new economic examples suitable for investment and business creation in the postal, telecoms and ICTs field;
  • Suggest strategies for regional and international deployment of national economic operators of the sector;
  • Share in spreading the e-payment means and services;
  • Undertake economic studies or prospects linked to the sector;
  • Conduct the watch measures of the sector;
  • Suggest and participate in the implementation of economic development programs concerning the sector.

 Has as mission to:

  • Draw up, with the relevant structures, legislative and regulatory texts linked to the sector’s activities and ensure their follow-up;
  • Ensure the upgrade of the legal framework in line with the sound international practices and the information society’s requirements;
  • Coordinate all study and analyze works of the legal framework related to the sector;
  • Handle and follow the legal and litigation affairs linked to the sector’s activities;
  • Provice advices about the draft conventions, agreements memorandums of understanding and contracts likely to benefit the sector;
  • Provide advices and observations about the draft texts drawn up by other sectors;

 Has as main mission to:

  • de définir, en relation avec les structures concernées, la politique de coopération nationale et internationale du secteur, et de veiller à sa mise en œuvre.
  • de promouvoir et de renforcer, en relation avec les structures concernées, les relations internationales bilatérales et multilatérales.
  • de préparer la participation du secteur dans les réunions et manifestations internationales.
  • de contribuer au développement de la coopération en matière d’investissement et de partenariat dans le domaine de la poste et des télécommunications.
  • d’identifier toutes les sources de financement extérieures et de faciliter la mobilisation des fonds nécessaires à la réalisation de projets éligibles à la coopération nationale, régionale ou internationale.
  • de centraliser et d’exploiter les rapports de missions à l’étranger.

Has as main mission to:

  • define the programs related to the staff skills development;
  • define and implement the sector’s training policy;
  • foster a partnership policy with national and foreign training and research organizations;
  • set up the human resources needed to run the central administration and external corporate services;
  • direct and monitor the programs of the social services management as regards the staff of the central administration and related structures;
  • foster the development of training and research institutions in the sector’s activity with the concerned sectors;
  • encourage national competences and training in the ICTs field;
  • define and organize the participation of national competences living abroad in the sector’s research and innovation programs;
  • support and reinforce relationships with companies operating in the ICTs field, universities and research centers jointly with the concerned structures;
  • participate in setting up training programs, with the concerned sectors, to introduce and encourage the ICTs use by all segments of society.

Has as main mission to:

  • define the needs of the central administration and external corporate services in terms of functioning and equipment;
  • set up the operating and capital budgets allocated to the sector and control their use;
  • ensure equipment supply and maintenance;
  • ensure the setting up of internal bodies to monitor procurement procedures;
  • run and follow up the performance of sectoral trust accounts pursuant to the laws and regulations in force;
  • ensure the proper management and preservation of tangible and intangible property relating to the Ministry.