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Sector’s companies and institutions

Algeria post:

A national public institution of an industrial and commercial character, endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, governed by the laws and regulations in force, particularly Law No. 18-04 of May 10, 2018, establishing the general rules relating to the post and electronic communications as well as Executive Decree No. 02-43 of January 14, 2002 creating “Algerie Poste”.The activities subject to the exclusivity regime are granted to the operator “Algerie Poste” by the provisions of Law No. 18-04 mentioned above.

EMS Champion Post Algeria

A joint stock company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Algerie Poste, subject to the authorization regime. EMS champion post, affiliated with the EMS cooperative of the Universal Postal Union as a permanent member, represents a fast postal service, provided through efficient physical and technical means, and has a local network through its agencies located almost everywhere on the national territory.

Algeria Telecom Group (SPA GTA)

A public economic enterprise and an Algerian telecommunications joint stock company with a main purpose of implementing, coordinating and controlling major telecommunications projects in Algeria. The GROUPE TELECOM ALGERIE has six subsidiaries, four of which are directly attached to it, while the two others are indirectly attached through its subsidiaries as sub-subsidiaries.

Algéria Telecom stock company

A public joint stock company operating in the market of electronic communications networks and services, created according to the provisions of article 12 of law 2000/03 of August 5, 2000, relating to the restructuring of the Post and Telecommunications sector.

SATICOM (Algerian Society of Information and Communication Technologies)

A joint stock company created in 2002 as a subsidiary of the CDTA (Advanced Technologies Development Center), under the legal form of SLLC (Single-Personal Limited Liability Company) then transformed in 2015 into an SPA (joint stock company) whose shareholders are Algeria Telecom and the CDTA.The SATICOM company has significant and extensive experience in the field of videocommunication as well as the development of remote supervision and control applications.

COMINTAL (Algeria Telecom Infrastructure Company)

COMINTAL (formerly AETC) was created in 2007 with the aim of operating and managing surplus dark optical fiber from the optical networks of its shareholders, in order to make them available to its customers with the aim of ensuring best quality in terms of continuity of service and reliability.

Algeria Telecom Mobile –Mobilis

Mobilis is one of the three mobile telephone operators in Algeria, which was created in August 2003. Mobilis has a growing sales network reaching 178 Mobilis Agencies and more than 82,965 indirect sales outlets.

Algeria Telecom Satellite

A joint stock company created on 07/29/2006 with a view to empowering the segment of  satellite telecommunications activities.


The National Agency of Frequencies (ANF) is a Public Industrial and Commercial Establishment (EPIC) with a legal personality and a financial autonomy, created on March 2, 2002 as part of the reform of the post and electronic communications sector. The ANF is responsible for the management, planning and control of the radio frequency spectrum.

National Agency for the Promotion and Development of Technological Parks (ANPT)

The ANPT is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC), created on March 24, 2004 under the supervision of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications. The ANPT is responsible for working towards the establishment of a national ecosystem allowing the development and the flourishing of the economic activity in the information and communication technologies sector, with the aim of ensuring effective participation in the national economy.

Digital Development Support Company (EADN)

A joint stock company, subsidiary of the ANPT, created as part of the modernization of public companies, with the aim of pooling human resources, infrastructure and IT platforms of public administrations and organizations, to offer a quality public service to citizens and economic actors.

Design and engineering company for all trades in information and communication technology (ECI-TIC)

Design and Engineering joint stock company, subsidiary of the ANPT, created with the objective of assisting and providing all the necessary expertise in the development and the implementation of building projects dedicated to the  ICT field of.

The Government Electronic Certification Authority (AGCE)

The AGCE is created under Law No. 15-04 of February 1, 2015 establishing the general rules relating to electronic signature and certification. The AGCE is responsible for monitoring and controlling the electronic certification activity of trusted third parties as well as the provision of electronic certification services for the benefit of stakeholders in the governmental sector. It is important to emphasize that the organizational model of the national electronic certification scheme is made up of three (03) Electronic Certification Authorities as follows:

  • National Electronic Certification Authority (ANCE) created at the level of  the Prime Minister,
  • Government Electronic Certification Authority (AGCE) created at the level of  the Telecommunications Minister
  • Economic Authority for Electronic Certification (AECE) entrusted to the Postal and Electronic Communications Regulatory Authority (ARPCE).
Écoles de formation

In addition to the establishments and companies mentioned above, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has two national higher schools constituting training centers for executives and skills in the field of post and electronic communications and new technologies in Algeria. Namely :

  • The National Higher School of Information and Communication Technologies and Postal Services;
  • The National Higher School of Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies – Abdelhafid Boussouf.

Algerie Telecom Europe(ATE) Company managing the “ORVAL/ARVAL” submarine cable linking the Algerian – European telecommunications.