On Tunisia’s proposal, the International Telecommunication Union adopted a resolution at the Minneapolis Plenipotentiary Conference in 1998 regarding the organization of a World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and its inclusion in the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly. In 2001, the ITU Council decided that this Summit would be organized in two phases, the first in Geneva and the second in Tunis. This decision was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 56/183, which granted the ITU a leading role in preparing the Summit, in collaboration with other interested organizations and partners.
- The first phase was held in Geneva from December 10 to 12, 2003, resulting in the adoption of a Declaration of Principles and an Action Plan.
- At the end of the second phase, held in Tunis from November 16 to 18, 2005, the Tunis Commitment and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society were adopted. These documents include chapters on financing mechanisms, internet governance, implementation and monitoring.
In Resolution 56/183, the United Nations General Assembly took note of, and approved the proposal to hold the WSIS in two phases. The summit thus comprised two phases, in Geneva and Tunis.