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An awareness raising and information campaign launched about E-commerce and E-payment nationwide

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has launched, Monday, March 4th, 2024 a campaign of awareness raising and information about e-commerce and e-payment in all provinces of the country, until Thursday, March 7th, 2024, jointly with all the stakeholders like the National Observatory Of Civil Society, the High Council of the Youth, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Commerce and Exports Promotion, SATIM (  Automated Interbank Transactions and Electronic Banking Company), G.I.E MONETIQUE (Electronic Transactions Economic Interest Group), banks, Algérie Poste, Algérie Télécom in addition to mobile telephony operators.

This campaign aims, first, to urge tradesmen and citizens to integrate the process of widespread use of e-payment terminals available, then to get them used to the concepts and rules related to e-commerce by encouraging them to adopt it based on its legal framework, and finally to give orientations and advice likely to boost citizens’ vigilance in terms of the risks encountered while shopping online to prevent them from being swindled.

To that end, rich programs have been drawn up nationwide including activities and festivities such as conferences, workshops, study days, exhibitions, open days, field trips and audiovisual broadcasts.

It is worth remembering that the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has issued a guide on E-commerce jointly with all the stakeholders. It can be downloaded from the ministry’s website (