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1400 areas with low population density to be covered with mobile network : Minister of Post and Telecommunications supervises the official launch of the program

In Ain Defla province, Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Mr.Karim Bibi Triki has supervised the official launch of the program related to the « Universal service of electronic communications » , on Monday, October 21st, in order to cover 1400 areas with low population density with public network of mobile communications.

This project is meant to enable all citizens to have access to electronic communications networks wherever they are, on equal terms, since it allows to provide coverage with mobile telephony network even in areas with less than 2000 inhabitants.

Besides, this project has a strategic importance. Indeed, it participates in the digital regional planning  as well as in providing the necessary conditions for achieving the digital transformation in our country, pursuant to President of the Republic’s orientations.

Given its geographic nature, Ain defla province has benefited from the coverage of more than a hundred areas.
Starting with the municipalities of Djelida and EL-Amra where the Minsiter has commissioned two stations in the areas of  « Eterraya el hmayed » and « Ouled Salah ».  In this respect, he highlighted the fact that « the Algerian State sees to include every citizen without any exclusion in coverage even in areas with low population density. »

In terms of profitability, he declared « the mechanism of universal service allows to reconcile two necessities : the first is about the consecration of the right of all citizens to the use of technology, while the second lies in the economic approach which obviously includes profitability aspect through the projects carried out by mobile network operators ». The implementation of this action will help cover all the areas listed nationwide.

In another phase of his visit, the Minister kicked off the achievement of two new stations of 4G mobile telephony in the regions of « Ouled Attou », Bourached municipality and « Targhouth » in Mekhatria municipality, where he focused on the need to respect the deadlines as set forth in the signed specifications so as to enable citizens to make the most of services shortly.

The Minister seized this opportunity to listen to the concerns and coordinate with local authorities which play a key role in the success of these projects. Furthermore, he urged all the workers of the sector to pursue their efforts in a bid to serve citizens and remove any obstacles likely to prevent them from taking advantage of the ICTs.