The Minister of Post and Telecommunications Mr. Karim BIBI TRIK carried out on September 25th , 2023, a working and inspection visit to the wilaya of Constantine, during which he supervised and commissioned sectoral projects in benefit of the citizens of the wilaya.
The Minister began his working visit with a visit to the new Algerie Telecom data center located in the commune of El Khroub, at which a presentation was made by the Wilaya Director on the main postal and telecommunications indicators, as well as the progress on projects received, those in progress and planned projects. He also gave exhaustive explanations on the services provided by the data center for the benefit of public institutions and economic companies. After that, the Minister has commissioned several projects to connect urban areas with optical fiber (FTTH), which will allow the residents to benefit from high-speed internet services reaching 300 Mb/s, on demand. On this occasion, the Minister encouraged local officials to continue efforts with a view to generalizing said technology in all urban areas, through the connection of unconnected homes and the modernization of the old network.
It should be noted that the wilaya of Constantine has recorded strong developments in terms of fiber optic connection of urban areas. In fact, the number of subscribers to the internet network linked by this technology has exceeded 58 thousand subscriptions.
In general, the wilaya records positive indicators regarding fixed internet access with a total of 181 thousand subscribers to all technologies.
Subsequently, the Minister went to the new town “Ali Mendjeli” to commission the project of connecting 7,000 homes to optical fiber, in addition of inaugurating two new post offices in two neighborhood units, namely No. 2 and 18 and a new travelling post office, which will help bring postal services closer to citizens and further improve reception conditions.
The wilaya’s postal network has 80 post offices, 12 of which have been renovated, extended and modernized in recent years (2020-2023), in addition to the construction of six (6) new offices including five (5) already in service. In addition, 7 Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) were put into service during 2022.

Under the action program for the year 2023, the wilaya has benefited from an operation to rehabilitate certain post offices as well as the planning of the construction of other new offices with a view to improving postal density.
Furthermore, the Minister commissioned the 4th generation station of the operator Algerie Telecom Mobile (Mobilis) at the western extension of the new city “Ali Boumendjeli”, with the aim of strengthening the services of the mobile telephony for the benefit of residents of residential areas in this location. He also followed a presentation on the situation of coverage by this operator as well as on all the infrastructure projects finalized, in progress and planned projects.At the end of his visit to the wilaya, the Minister supervised the operation of switching subscribers from the old telephone network to FTTH technology in the districts of “August 20”, “Boudjana” and “July 5”.