Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Mr.Karim Bibi Triki has supervised on Tuesday, March 23, 2024, along with Minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-up and Micro-enterprises, Mr. Yacine El-Mahdi Oualid as well as some heads of bodies and institutions, the opening of « Algeria Digital Summit » held at the Palace of culture Moufdi Zakaria, Algiers, on April 23-25, 2024.
During this event, the Minister has participated in a round table for the exchange of ideas and suggestions about the outcomes, stakes, perspectives of development and modernization of basic infrastructure to generalize the ICTs use. Moreover, he highlighted the achievements and significant progress in our country’s various indicators pursuant to President of the Republic’s commitment 25 as regards the achievement of digital transformation in a bid to improve communication and generalize the ICTs use.
It is worth mentioning this summit ended up in integrating three events of the digital sphere in Algeria : the Digital African Summit, the ICTs Forum and ALTIC.
Among the desired goals of this summit which brings together ICTs professionals, entrepreneurs, heads of start-up, investors, researchers and academics, representatives of governmental bodies and institutions as well as many African delegations, there is the establishment of a platform likely to stimulate technological innovation notably in smart solutions, to encourage networking amidst ICTs players in addition to investment promotion in an African technological ecosystem.
Furthermore, beside the various presentations and communications by many experts and professionals, there have been many interactive and training workshops, round tables of exchange and exhibitions led by start-up and many ICTs players. The Minister seized this opportunity to visit the various stands to get to know more about the solutions of exhibitors and to listen to their concerns.