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FAQ fixed telephony and internet

Algérie Télécom incorporation operating in telecommunications provides various services in terms of fixed and mobile telephony, internet and other services with added value to private and professional clients as well as companies.

Algérie Télécom provides Idoom Fixe services for fixed telephony both for private and professional clients, for more information about this offer and the modalities of subscription, see the incorporation’s website:

Algérie Télécom offers a range of internet services to meet the expectations of its private and professional clients.

As regards private clients, the incorporation provides Idoom ADSL, Idoom Fibre and Idoom 4G VoLTE.

Whereas for professional clients and heads of companies, there are many offers to satisfy their needs.

for more information, click on this link:

To see the range of offers sand services in details and the modalities of subscription, Algérie Télécom provides clients with this link:

To subscribe to fixed telephony or internet provided by Algérie Télécom, it is recommended to see this website:

Or, to visit any of the incorporation’s commercial agencies near your home.

Indeed, Algérie Télécom provides e-payment services to enable its subscribers to pay their subscriptions in fixed telephony and internet among other services, easily via Edahabia card or any bank cards.

It is possible to benefit from e-payment service through:

  • Algérie Télécom’s website,
  • “My Idoom” application of Algérie Télécom,
  • “BaridiMob” application of Algérie Télécom,
  • “WIMPAY” application of the National Bank of Algeria “BNA”.

Any complaint or concern about Algérie Télécom’s services can be notified by:

  • Algérie Télécom’s website:

  • Algérie Télécom’s official accounts on social networks,
  • the client service by dialing 12 from landline phone for free, or mobile phone for 4 AD/m,
  • by going to any of this incorporation’s commercial agency near your home.