In addition to allowing all households to benefit from an Internet connection, the great challenge for the Telecommunications Sector is to improve the quality and develop the performance of the access network, by favoring the use of optical fiber technology to the home (FTTH), and to proceed , in parallel, to the gradual migration of the subscriber base using the copper network towards a connection via the optical fiber network, in order to offer better quality of service in terms of throughput, availability and latency.
Indeed, “Fiber To The Home” or “Optical Fiber To The Home”, is a wired telecommunications network technology, which, notably, allows access to the Internet at very high speed and in which the optical fiber is routed to the home, FTTH is a solution in which optical fiber is used end-to-end between the optical connection node and the subscriber.
FTTH networks allow a quality connection and offer very high speeds. They, also, allow better latency, minimize the occurrence of outages and exclude sensitivities to electromagnetic disturbances.
In this regard, in addition to modernizing the access network, our sector is working on connecting new urban centers and residential neighborhoods to FTTH technology, which has contributed to the exponential growth in the number of homes connected to that network from 53.394 households in 2020 to 478.172 households at the end of 2022 to reach more than 1.5 million households in october 2024.
In addition to the positive development noted in terms of connection of households by this technology, our country stands out for the particularity of a deployment of FTTH across the 58 wilayas of the country, as part of a balanced approach to the generalization of ICT throughout the national territory.
At the continental level, Algeria is the second African country, after South Africa, to have reached the threshold of One Million FTTH subscribers.