The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has jointly launched a national awareness raising campaign against the risks of social media use, nationwide with the National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 stretching until Friday, May 10th, 2024, in coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Interior, Local Authorities and Regional Planning, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Waqfs, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Vocational Education and Training, the Ministry of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Communication, the National Observatory of Civil Society, the High Council of Youth, the High Commissioner for Digitization in addition to the Command of the National Gendarmerie and the General Directorate of National Security.
This campaign aims to fit social media users with preventive recommendations and good practices likely to decrease the risks faced in virtual spaces mainly fraud and scam. Besides, it is meant to contribute to avoid its drawbacks on shaping individuals, heritage and social values as well as the cohesion of family and society.
To achieve its goals, rich programs have been elaborated to be presented in all provinces nationwide, with activities and nearby events mainly at universities, schools, high institutes, teaching schools, vocational training centers, islamic cultural centers and Koran schools, youth clubs and cultural centers in addition to caravans that will travel around the cities and towns.
To that end, there will be spaces and pavilions in public areas to be dedicated to raising the awareness of citizens about the dangers of misuse of social medias while informing them about the preventive methods and recommendations, beside the exchange of experiences and debate. Real experiences of victims will also be collected and shared.
Speeches and lessons about awareness raising will be planned in this campaign in the mosques of the Republic on Friday, May 10th, 2024, preceded by seminars for scholars in all the national provinces.
Communications and audiovisual programs will also be scheduled in mass media in addition to news flashes in social media.
Minister of Post and Telecommunications, M.Karim Bibi-Triki has supervised the official launch of this campaign organized on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 at University of Algiers 3 (Faculty of information and communication sciences) in Ben Aknoun, in presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and heads of public institutions and bodies.
In his speech, the Minister said our country has made a very significant progress the past four years in terms of implementing the program included within the commitments of President of the Republic as regards the reinforcement of telecoms infrastructure, the generalization of ICTs and internet access in particular, while highlighting the fact that massive internet use by our citizens with its multiple advantages, might expose them to real risks.
He added, this campaign is the outcome of large-scale consultations amides working groups including the aforementioned sectors and bodies, and it will be attended by all stakeholders from government sectors, civil society, media, artists and content developers from central and local levels.
During this information day, also attended by students and content developers, speakers have shed light on the main aspects relating to the legal framework and cybercrime, the role of safety department in fighting against this phenomenon and its treatment, the necessary recommendations, its physical and mental health aspects as well as the moral conditions to be taken into account while using social media.