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Invitation to participate in the World Summit on the Information Society Prizes for the year 2024 (WSIS PRIZES 2024)

In the context of the ongoing preparations for Algeria’s participation in the events of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), annually organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), to be held this year from May 27 to May 31, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Wired and Wireless, informs that nominations are open for participation in the WSIS Prizes 2024 competition.


The nomination involves registering projects in the field of information and communication technologies, whether completed, near completion, or worthy of recognition and support, even if not yet implemented. This is done by completing the form available at the following link:, in English only, no later than February 15, 2024. Please provide us with a copy of the forms related to the registered projects via email at  This will allow our relevant departments to follow up on these projects and contribute to their support.

The primary eighteen (18) winners and the additional seventy-two (72) winners will be honored during the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2024 (WSIS Forum 2024). Winning projects will be featured in the publication “World Summit on the Information Society Stocktaking: Success Stories 2024,” and all project descriptions and activities submitted in the competition will be included in the “World Summit on the Information Society Stocktaking Report for 2024.”

Furthermore, the WSIS Photo Contest 2024 will be organized, allowing participants to submit photographs illustrating how information and communication technologies play an empowering role in achieving sustainable development goals. Participants can send photos of their projects, individuals, and affiliated departments/institutions benefiting from the power of information and communication technologies. Submissions should be made, in English, no later than February 15, 2024, via the following link:

The top three (3) winning entries in the WSIS Photo Contest will be rewarded, and the winning photos will be presented at the high-level event of the WSIS Forum 2024. Lastly, to maintain the WSIS Stocktaking database for information gathering, knowledge exchange, and benefiting from the activities of stakeholders working towards the major directions of the World Summit on the Information Society and Sustainable Development Goals, project owners nominated are invited to participate in the WSIS Stocktaking process by registering the projects submitted for the WSIS Prizes 2024 competition, mentioned above, in English, via the following link:

Best of luck to the Algerian projects participating.