World Post Day is celebrated on October 9, each year, marking the creation of this event at the 1969 World Postal Conference in Tokyo, commemorating the founding of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1874.
The purpose of this day is to raise awareness among individuals and institutions of the importance of mail in their daily lives, as well as its contribution to global social and economic development.
World Post Day for 2023
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) has chosen the theme “United for Trust: Collaborating for a Secure and Connected Future” for World Post Day 2023. Recognizing post offices as key focal points for local communities, the theme highlights their role in cohesion, solidarity and integration.
To celebrate this day, open doors were held for the media, highlighting the fundamental services offered by post offices. In addition, a visit of the postal complex in Bir Touta allowed to discover various centers, including the one dedicated to payment cards, the complaints center, the hybrid postal center and the design of cheque books, as well as the data centre of the company Algerie post, located at the headquarters of its General Management.
World Post Day for 2022
The theme of World Post Day 2022 “The Post for the Planet,” aimed at raising awareness of the Post’s ability to address the climate crisis as the world’s largest logistics network that must respect circular economy principles.
This day was commemorated by the organization of open days were organized for citizen’s benefit, during which presentations on various financial and monetary postal services of Algerie Post. Videos were distributed on electronic payment methods, EDAHABIA card services, and new services, in addition to organizing philatelic exhibitions in several wilayas, as well as the presentation of brochures and explanatory posters.
In addition, Algerie Post Company has issued a special postal stamp to commemorate the occasion.