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Ceremony of results announcement of laureates of National letter-writing competition for young people

Minister of Post and Telecommunications Mr.Karim Bibi Triki has supervised on June 29th the ceremony of annoucenement of results related to the National letter-writing competition for young people-2024 edition,  in the presence of the Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Condition, the Minister of Environment and Renewable Energies as well as high officials of the government.

The minister has mentioned, in his address, that all parts of the country have been involved in this contest to discover young talent. He added this competition recurs annually as a sacred community event on the agenda of the post and telecoms sector in a bid to reinforce writing capacities and refine drafting skills among the young generation.

This edition is full of enthusiasm to urge the enlightened spirits of talented children to partake in it to prove their ability to tackle the adopted theme brilliantly by suggesting the best solutions to take up the challenges today’s world is facing.

Indeed, the first position nationwide goes to  Zeraa Asil Nour Elyakine, a pupil at les Frères Darif high school, Mazouna, province of Relizane, while the other laureates have obtained incentive prizes, i.e. :

As regards children with specific needs, who take part for the third year in a row, the first three winners are respectively:

  • Besghir Asma from Relizane province,
  • Ali Aicha from Relizane province with Narjes Medawer from Guelma province,
  • Saidi Ayoub from Tlemcen province.

As for the pupils of national education schools, the laureates’ names are as follow :

  • Merah Amani Chahrazad from Oran province,
  • Meriem Amroun from Jijel province,
  • Abderahmane Bouabdelah from Oran province with Rima Haniche from Blida province,
  • Asmaa Nourelhouda Fethi from Béchar province,
  • Boutebcha Amani from Mila province with Assil Roudina Hasni from Béchar provicne.


As a reminder, this edition, which theme is about « sustainable development », is included within the preparation for Algeria’s participation, through its first laureate, in the 53rd International letter-writing Competition for young people 2024 organized by the UPU.

The Minister seized this opportunity to congratulate the laureates who have been selected amidst 74 thousand candidates nationwide.

On the sidelines of the ceremony, an exhibition on sustainable development has been organized by the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Condition, the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energies as well as the National Organ for Child Protection.

Congratulations to all the winners and we look forward to seeing new laureates in the next edition.