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Empowerment of persons with specific needs

As part of the State’s endeavors to improve the caring of the most vulnerable citizens, mainly people with specific needs, children and the elderly people, enshrined in the Government’s action plan pursuant to President of the Republic’s commitments, in order to provide and bring our sector’s services closer to citizens and particularly people with specific needs, our sector has taken a series of measures and launched many initiatives for the benefit of this category in particular.

As regards postal services, our sector has taken many initiatives such as:

  • Fitting post offices with special tracks to ease the access of physically disabled people beside dedicating specific counters to them. Thus, the current number of the overall post offices providing special tracks reaches 1841 offices, and that of specific counters is 1108;
  • Digitization of the withdrawal of solidarity inclusive premiums, allowing to withdraw them from any post office anywhere, while this process used to be conducted in hand and at one post office;
  • Fostering postal network by providing mobile post offices in all provinces nationwide to bring services closer to citizens in remote and isolated areas;
  • Digitization of financial and postal services to improve the daily life mainly for people with specific needs to prevent them from heading for post offices, like:
    • “BaridiMob” application: the most downloaded monetary application in Algeria reaching 3.3 million downloads so far. It allows checking the postal current account, transferring money from an account to another, checking financial transactions and load mobile credit of the three existing operators;
    • ECCP application: allows handling several services online such as checking the postal current account, obtaining and downloading an exhaustive account statement, request and tracking of Edahabia card, subscribing to small message notice, request and tracking of cheque boo;.
    • E-payment services: enables to pay water, gas and power bills, internet and landline phone subscriptions, charging mobile credit, etc, mainly due to consolidating the mutualization of the monetary platform of Algerie Poste corporation and that of banks, aspiring to help Edahabia card holders to carry out many financial transactions in bank counters;
  • Contributing to integrate this category in society by involving children with specific needs, for the first time, in the national children competition for letter-writing as of 2022 in which over 400 disabled children had taken part, while the 2023 issue witnessed the participation of more than 500 children with specific needs;
  • Helping to raise the awareness about the issues affecting people with specific needs through issuing relevant postage stamps. Indeed, our sector had issued 13 stamps about this category, the latest was in 2023 on the occasion of the national Day of disabled people in March 14th under the topic of “Facilitating access to people with specific needs”;
  • Launching training sessions in sign language jointly with the Ministry of National Solidarity , Family and Women’s Condition, for the benefit of postal workers in charge of clients, and the widespread of such sessions nationwide;
  • Providing delivery service of Edahabia card and cheque books for people with specific needs and the elderly from November 2022.

Concerning electronic communications and the ICTs, our sector has worked on :

  • Launching of the national competition for mobile applications and software for people with specific needs to facilitate their daily lives and strengthen their integration into society:
    • Launching the national competition for mobile applications and software for people with specific needs to facilitate their daily lives and consolidate their integration into society:
      • The 1st issue in 2021: was about developing mobile applications and software for disabled people, all handicaps taken together;
      • The 2nd issue in 2022: was about developing software and mobile applications for the use of sign language for auditory-disabled people in addition to translating the competition’s announcement video using sign language.
    • The backup of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications through the National Agency for the Promotion and Development of technology parks which is called to provide technical support for the winning projects in a bid to promote and improve them as well as to offer them for free for people with specific needs.