The Regulatory Authority of Post and Electronic Communications (ARPCE) is an independent administrative authority with a legal status and financial autonomy. It was set up pursuant to the general rules regulating the post and telecommunications.
The Regulatory Authority is in charge of regulating the electronic communications and postal markets son behalf of the State. In this respect, it is responsible mainly for:
- Ensuring an effective fair competition in postal and electronic communications transactions by taking all the necessary measures to foster and restore competitions in this regard;
- Ensuring the introduction, with respect to property rights, of the sharing of electronic communications infrastructures;
- Assigning frequencies to electronic communications networks’ operators open to the public in the bands granted to it by the National Agency of Frequencies and, watching their use pursuant to the non-discrimination principle;
- Drawing up and updating frequencies situation it grants to operators, and addressing it to the National Agency of Frequencies;
- Establishing a national numbering plan, examining the requests for numbers and attributing them to the operators;
- Approving the reference offers for interconnection and access to electronic communications networks, as well as ruling on disputes among the operators in terms of interconnection, access, infrastructures sharing and national roaming;
- Granting general licenses for establishment and/or exploitation of electronic communications networks and supply of electronic communications services, the licenses of private networks and those for supplying postal services and performances;
- Certifying postal and electronic communications equipments in accordance with the specifications and standards set by regulation;
- Collecting all the necessary pieces of information from the operators for conducting its assignments;
- Ensuring the respect by postal and e-communications’ operators of the legal and regulatory provisions on postal and electronic communications and cyber-security;
- Ensuring the protection of postal users and subscribers’ right to electronic communications and settling disputes between the operators and subscribers.