The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has participated, on January 29-30, 2024, in running workshops to raise the awareness and spread information about e-commerce and e-payment included within the meeting on “The stakes of youth and civil society in digital transformation” held in Tamanrasset province. Its slogan was about “The innovative methods….for a new reality”. As a reminder, this event is organized by the High council of the youth and the national civil society Observatory.
This event which was attended by 120 young people from several provinces of the South, split into groups, aspires to train and mentor trainers who will be in charge of disclosing the preventive controls and good practices recommended in e-commerce and e-payment.
In terms of e-commerce, there has been a thorough explanation about the mainlines of the guide drafted by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications jointly with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Trade and Export Promotion, the Command of the Gendarmerie National, the Directorate General of the National Security, Algérie Poste corporation and Economic interest grouping (GIE Monétique). This guide’s title is “Guide of e-commerce”.
The senior officials of the ministry running the workshop have focused on information and awareness rising through warning, first, about the risks encountered in e-commerce by explaining the pertaining rights and obligations. Besides, they gave advice and orientations to ensure a safe online shopping by highlighting the main means and ways of fraud and swindling as well as the attitude to adopt in this case, in a bid to raise citizens’ awareness and increase their watch about e-transactions.
As regards e-payment, there has been a presentation about the multiple tools, methods and media used in this process, and also about the achievements and indicators our country has fulfilled in this vital field.